Can You Keep A Secret?

Sunday 19 June 2016

Sitting down the other day I realised that at times I can be a very closed book. There's so much stuff that makes up the core of my personality that pretty much no one knows about and honestly I have no clue why. Now I like to think I have a strong friendship with both my readers and fellow bloggers, so I don't think it's quite fair that you all don't know much about me when you're all so open on twitter to me. Being a blogger you don't tend to talk about yourself very much, it's mostly reviews or your thoughts or what you're up to that people are interested in. I often feel like people don't care about me as a person but lately I've realised just how untrue that really is. My readership has been growing quite a lot lately and I feel like I have a connection with every single one of you, so it's only right that I share with you a bunch of things I tend to keep hidden and that no one knows, after all no one likes a robot.

1. I am a history nerd! No one ever expects it but I could watch documentary after documentary after documentary! Whether it's learning about World Wars, Jack The Ripper or the history of London's Underground I am there in a heartbeat.

2. I originally started dancing when I was around 2/3 years old. I went to ballet school and there's even videos of me performing in theatres and etc! Altogether I learnt ballet, tap, modern & contemporary and boy do I regret quitting when I got older. I feel like if I never quit I wouldn't be as shy as I am now because I'd be a lot more used to being on stage and having people see me dance. I'd probably be good at dancing now too since the only dancing I currently do is like a 40 year old dad ha.

3. Leading on from the last one I love being on stage. I did a drama GCSE and I found it hard because I was so shy but I love acting. Performing on a stage infront of people gives you such an adrenaline rush it's honestly amazing, when I was around 14/15 I did a few pantomimes with a few famous people, crazy. Did you know I performed on stage with the one and only Tracy Beaker?! The more you know.

4. I. love. English. literature. Oh my god yes! From Shakespeare to poems from our modern world to poems from the 19th or 18th century I just can't even. The other day I got a book full of poems from World War 2 and I adore it! I'm a poem English literature nerd. 

5. I've never had a relationship. It's not because I don't want one or because I can't get one, it's entirely due to the fact that I'm too scared. The thought of me being in one is just alien to me, I can't imagine it. I don't feel like I could trust anyone enough or let someone that close to me, scary stuff!

6. A few people know this but it's still a pretty hidden fact, not only am I into photography but I love videography! I'm not talking about talking to myself in front of a camera and making youtube videos, I'm talking about short films and sketches and all that jazz. While watching a film all I can ever focus on is the camera angles, or the lighting, and oh god I'm a sucker for colour correction! I love editing things and watching the final piece coming together to form something super creative.

7. I'm pretty sure everyone at this point knows I love writing, this blog is proof of that. But it's not just this that I love to write, ever since I was a kid I've been making up stories and fictional words and writing about them, it's probably one of my biggest passions and there's nothing I love to do more. I used to write a lot of poetry as a kid too and although that's not something that happens anymore I really would like to get back into it.

8. This one and the next are pretty similar but I'm going to separate them anyway, I am such a massive Marvel nerd! From the films to the comics I can't get enough. I like DC too but i'm definitely more of a Marvel girl. Some of my favourites have to be Captain America, Spider-Man and Scarlet Witch, although I gotta say Iron Man is slowly working his way up! I'm also a big fan of comics in general, along with graphic novels, just love them.

9. Carrying on from the whole nerd thing, I'm majorly obsessed with Doctor Who! I could spend hours at a Doctor Who convention or watching even the classic series, my favourite from the older ones being Tom Baker and Matt Smith from the newer era.

10. I'm so into psychology. It interests me so much, I love learning about how humans work and how our brains are wired to act in social situations, and how and why we react the way we do to certain things. It's so fascinating and intriguing and I really want to start learning about it a bit more!

So there were just 10 facts about me, some a few people know and some no one knows at all! Comment down below one fact no one really knows about you because I'd love to hear them, and don't forget to follow me on bloglovin HERE, I'm not far off 900 followers which is super cool, and subscribe to my weekly newsletter HERE.



  1. Im a Marvel girl too, I love iron man, hes the best, as well as jarvis =]

  2. How exciting you've performed ballet at theatres, that must have been so much fun! I'm with you appreciating old poetry, by the way :)

  3. I also love Shakespeare! Othello and Hamlet are my favorites :)

  4. Really nice post !
    MY BLOG :

  5. Thanks for sharing! I know that you mean, I often feel like I write a lot on my blog but none of it is very personal.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  6. I love this post! I totally get the relationship point you made because it can be hard to trust people sometimes and that person who you'll be with will pretty much know everything about you however another reason why I've never had a relationship is because I never fancy the boys who like me so it's annoying haha x

    1. oh girl i get you there haha! I unfortunately fall for the complete idiots and not for the nice caring ones who have an interest in me, if only you could choose your feelings x

  7. These were fun to read, I like getting to know bloggers better. I'm the same as you with relationships. I would have no idea how to relate to someone in that way.
