Scarlett Londons Bloggers Festival Take Two!

Thursday 17 September 2015

If you've been following me through this little blogging journey of mine you may remember the first blogging event I ever went to around a year ago now, link to a post on it here. A few days ago I went to take 2 of the same event which was hosted by the lovely Scarlett London, I went in not knowing what to expect apart from the fact that she hosts such kickass events it was bound to be awesome, and can I just say she did not disappoint. So without further ado here are a bunch of photos from this years Bloggers Festival!

I met so many amazing bloggers and brands so I'm going to have a LOT of cool posts coming up about all the things I received at this event which I'm super stocked to show you all, I mean I got some pretty rad stuff! I also took so many photos it was the hardest thing ever as to which one's I should include. Hashtag blogger problems. I couldn't resist not taking a quick snap of the Spiderman lego set by the way - 2 of my favourite things combined can I get a hell yeah?!



  1. glad you had a good time. Xx I've never been :(. Em xx

    1. P.S. I hope to be a your level of blogging one day. The amoint of readers you have is brilliant and you content is great. Xx

    2. thank you so so much lovely! xx

  2. This blogger event sounds lovely! I have never been to one!

    Sarah | Moved to: What Sarah Writes

  3. The event looked amazing!! :)

    I went to my first ever one last week, so I look forward to hearing more about the things you got!

    Tania |

  4. I was there too and had so much fun, such a great event!

    Rebecca Coco

  5. To quote you: it sure looked like 'a kickass' event with a lot of things going on !
