Surrounding Yourself With The Right People

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

It's taken me years to finally understand, but now I get the power of surrounding yourself with the right people on such a strong level. In the past I thought it didn't make a difference, I had people around me who were positive and lovely and I thought they were the 'right' people, but it didn't make any difference to me. I wasn't necessarily happier, I mean I loved them and enjoyed being around them but it didn't influence my life in any way. Only recently have I actually experienced just how important it is, let me explain.

The people you think are the right people might not exactly be the right people. Having lots of friends is great but it's essential to also have a few who make your life better just by being around them. Not only will it have a positive influence on yourself as a person, but on your happiness and confidence. I've found since being around my new friends that I've changed a lot, not necessarily in obvious ways, I'm still the same person I was 6 months ago, but the way I view and perceive things is a hell of a lot different. I get comfortable around people easier, I get scared of things less, being around the right people is helping me grow, and I can't stress how important that is. I'm 19 so i'm at an age where personal growth is rather important, I'll be 20 soon and being stuck in a 16 year olds mind isn't the best thing ever. I'll never get anywhere in my life if I don't change remotely on the inside, and I don't know how it's taken me so long to discover this.

What do you all think? Am I talking a load of rubbish or actually making sense? Be sure to explain to me in the comments as I'm rather intrigued as to what everyone else thinks of this. I do tend to ramble on a ton about absolutely nothing so I wouldn't be too surprised, but I'm trying to explain a feeling here which can tend to be rather on the difficult side of things. Anyway the lesson I'm trying to teach here is pretty much in the title: make sure you surround yourself with the right people. It's so so important.



  1. what a wonderful post, I too have only recently realized the true extent of the 'right people.' It's funny how certain people can impact your life, even on a daily basis and you don't even realize it sometimes.

    (i'm also 19 turning 20 this year too haha, perhaps you get to a certain age to obtain this realization? :) )

  2. Good friends impact our lives :) I don't have a huge group of friends but each and everyone one of them inspires me to be a better person too x Hope you're doing great so far in 2016 and Happy Thursday Isabelle x

    Real Life Nerd //

  3. You're absolutely right, I've learnt how to say goodbye to people who make me feel like shit and now my life is better then ever. Good luck with it xx
