Remarks You'll Get Tired Of If You're Always Single

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Now there is nothing wrong with living your life as a single lady (let's all high five in this together), whether it's by choice or just by pure unluck it's something we should enjoy. No drama, no arguing about what to watch on Nextflix, having a whole bed to ourselves, just plain out having no problems - unless you're one of those people who isn't in a relationship but still has relationship problems, girl I feel ya. At the end of the day there is nothing wrong with being single but I'm sure quite a few of you are also bored of certain comments, I know they are meant in a nice way but they just come across.. not so much.

Gossip Girl

Why I Love Autumn

Sunday, 8 October 2017

If you've been reading my blog or following any of my social medias for a while now then you will know how much I love Autumn and how much it excites me. I, and I'm not even remotely exaggerating here, spend the entire rest of the year looking forward to and planning for Autumn. One of the most popular questions I get is "so why do you love it so much? What's so great about it?" and let me tell you I have one long ass list to answer that with (if I'm being a bit sad here don't tell me, ignorance is bliss right?) so naturally I decided I had to share with you a few of my points as to why I love Autumn so much. So without further ado here are some of my favourite things about Autumn! I'll try not to include too many, promise.

Weymouth Diaries: Monkey World

Monday, 4 September 2017

I apologise for not uploading in a while but I do have a legit excuse this time (for once).. I've been on holiday. Okay it wasn't anywhere fancy abroad, I may have stayed in the country but I did travel 5 hours so maybe we could call it a break? Yeah, we'll go with that. I went on a family 'break' to Weymouth in Dorset and oh my gosh was it gorgeous! We packed so much into such a short space of time so we could make the most of it which is why I've decided to do separate posts on everything as there's just so many photos. Firstly I've decided to show you all Monkey World which is the first thing we did, personally I never even knew it existed but hey ho, the monkeys were literally the cutest things! They were quite difficult to get photo's of though with how packed it was and bearing in mind there was a fence between us which made it 50 billion times harder unfortunately. Quick warning, all these Weymouth Diaries posts I upload will be mostly picture based as I took quite a few, so enjoy! 

5 Things To Remind Yourself Daily

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

We all have bad days, that's just something every single one of us has to go through and whether you have the occasional off days or pretty much every day is a bad day it's super hard not to let it overpower you. Lately I've been feeling pretty down in the dumps and I've been struggling to stop it from affecting my daily life (which is never a good idea, trust me), depression is a bitch but instead of letting it take my life downhill like I used to I'm trying my hardest to just carry on. So whether you're depressed or generally just having an off day, here are 5 things you should remind yourself daily.

Confessions Of A Blogger

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

As soon as I start blogging about how the weather is getting colder and Autumn is coming the sun decides to pop up and pay a surprise visit and I am not liking it. However we are coming up so close to September so soon Summer will be officially over and I will be in my own little heaven. This post has been sitting in my list for ages but for some reason (god knows what) I've just never gotten around to uploading it. All bloggers, and I mean all, have confessions like these that they had to admit, especially to themselves which is why I'm writing this post so we can all rejoice in how we deffo don't fit into the perfect blogging image that we all know doesn't actually exist. We all have things we need to work on and let's be real, if we don't admit what they are we'll never motivate ourselves to actually work on them, so moving on here are a few of my blogger confessions.

Weekly Blog Planner Freebie

Thursday, 10 August 2017

To my surprise a lot of you seem to like my blog related posts, whether it's advice or how to's they seem to be my most popular and my most viewed by far. Now I'm not an expert blogger and I'm not going to pretend to be, sometimes I can be the most unorganised person known to man (it will be my downfall one day I swear), but when it comes to this blog I at least try to get myself together and make it relatively easier for myself. Try being the keyword here guys. A lot of blog planners I see online are just too complicated, they have too many boxes I feel like I need to use but have nothing to put in and it really frustrates me, although they are helpful! I just thought I'd share with you the weekly blog planner I use, I like to keep it quite simple which I know isn't everyone's cup of tea but for me personally I find it so much easier and less daunting.

Summer Base Makeup

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

I planned and photographed this post at the beginning of the summer, now as it's coming to a close and the weather has deteriorated majorly I've actually decided to upload it. This girl really needs to work on her timing's doesn't she. I thought I'd still post it anyway as even as we go into Autumn my base makeup will probably still stay the same for the most part so it can count for both Summer and Autumn. Just gotta add, is anyone else super excited for the hot weather to be over and for Autumn to hit?! Deffo going to plan a ton of Autumn posts (and not to forget an Autumn Instagram theme) as it's my favourite season and I just can't handle my excitement! And Halloween?! Buzzing is an understatement! Could I say Autumn any more times?

Everything's a mess

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Lately every line I write for this blog I delete as soon as I read it back, I've sat here stressing for hours countless times trying to get things out but it's like my heads empty. However that isn't the problem, the problem is that in reality my head is too full. It's brimmed with things that need filing into sections to help me feel clearer but instead everything's just swimming around making me feel lost and confused, and, well, like a complete mess.I can't think clearly or rationally because everything's so muddled up and I can't unravel any of it. Generally I don't have any problems, there's nothing major going on right now for me to feel like this but for some reason every little thing that shouldn't be a problem is. My brain has made problems out of nothing and now I feel like one giant puzzle that I can't put together. 

Makeup Revolution Skin Kiss Highlighter in Peach Kiss Review

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Makeup Revolution are a brand I have loved for a long time, but only recently have I actually realised how much I love their makeup. I remember going to the MUR Halloween event last year and it really sparked my interest in trying more of their products, although my bank account is deffo not happy with this. When I saw this highlighter on the Superdrug website I added it straight into my cart, it was basically love at first sight and I just couldn't help myself. When it finally came through in the post I died of happiness and was ecstatic to try it on my face so here is my review of Makeup Revolutions Skin Kiss Highlighter in Peach Kiss!

Melissa Bolona: Actress On The Rise

Friday, 26 May 2017

As most of you may know I am a major film buff, and yes my speciality is mostly behind the scenes but I do love finding new actors to admire and the celebrity world is full of rising stars. Among these is actress Melissa Bolona who has taken Hollywood by storm. Here is what you need to know about this amazing new face in Hollywood:

w7 Colour Me Buff Palette Review + Swatches

Friday, 12 May 2017

Beauty and makeup reviews are something I never do enough of, I'm just still quite a newbie when it comes to writing about them and I need to get used to it and suck it up. I've been collecting so many products over the last few months I have enough to make this blog review heaven. This palette has been in my collection for quite a while now, a lot of people used to refer to it as an Urban Decay Naked Palette dupe and to be fair I can see the resemblance, but as someone who's not used a Naked Palette in literally years I can't compare the similarities myself, which is a tad annoying. I'm a bit of an eyeshadow addict, if you click on my beauty section which you can find HERE most of my makeup reviews so far have been of eyeshadow palettes, pretty sure I even did 3 in a row once (although don't worry lads, I'm almost out of different ones to review, you'll all probably be glad to hear). This product retails at around £5, which compared to most makeup I own is rather cheap. 

Choosing The Best Foundations (With Samples)

Friday, 5 May 2017

Are you looking for the best foundation for your face and complexion? From top of the line items that celebrities swear by to the best deals you can find, following are some of the best deals I've found for every skin type. The best foundation for your skin can be a tough find, especially if you are looking for the best tone for pale skin (trust me, I know). This is why I've looked over all the best brands and provided this handy guide to finding the very best foundations for a wide variety of skin types. From the luxury brands no celebrity would be without to the best market steals you can find, here are some of the best foundations for every skin. Whether your skin is oily, dry or combined I cover them all. I have also teamed up with WOW Free Stuff who have kindly let me know where and how to get free foundation samples.

Breakups Suck.. I know

Thursday, 4 May 2017

A few of you have noticed lately that my blog (and social medias) have been all over the place, I tweeted a few weeks ago that my boyfriend and I broke up and a few of you assumed it may be related to that (how right you guys were).  I've needed a bit of time to sort myself out, clear my head and focus on myself. When the whole breakup happened my friend Laura gave me a bit of advice, that focusing on my career is what's most important, and honestly she's right. I let this blog go downhill over a guy, but this little place on the internet will always be and should always be my number one priority. It's what I love doing, it's helping me build my skills and it's kind of a part of me, so the fact that I considered giving that up for a guy is just plain outrageous. This post is half an apology and half a letter to those of you with guy problems or struggling to get over ex's. What I share here really helped me get over what happened to me and hopefully it may help some of you..

Let's Talk: Viruses with AVG

Friday, 28 April 2017

I'm going to start this post off with a little story time, I mean why not? When I was in school we were all given a laptop, as a complete computer nerd I was pretty happy with that, however it didn't last long. Every other month I'd have to take it into computer tech because I messed it up, I didn't mean to but it just kinda happened. I was prone to getting some weird viruses on my laptops pretty much all the time and it meant I went through a fair few. To say my parents weren't happy was an understatement, even as I'm typing this I struggled to convince my Dad to let me use his computer to blog since somehow a virus has wormed it's way onto his computer, although can I just say it 100% wasn't me this time (although I am getting the blame, damn it). As I've grown up I've learnt a lot about protecting a computer from virus's and the best one to use in my opinion is, my Dad has used this since the old complaining at me days and even now he's making me pause writing this to use it to try and sort his computer out.

Get Your Garden Summer Ready

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

The sun has been shining and it has actually felt quite warm, maybe we're just being optimistic about the weather, but summer is definitely on its way, on paper at least. So that means the garden needs to be summer ready, because even if the sun doesn't put its hat on, we can at least have an outdoor space fit for a king if it does decide to show up and to be honest we never know when it will so here are a few tips for getting your garden summer ready.

Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Getting out of your comfort zone is something a lot of people struggle with, me included. There's something very cosy about staying within your own circle, no matter how small it may be, it's safe and it's somewhere not many people are keen on getting out of. It's something we always get told to do and boy it isn't easy, but is it a good idea? Yes. To experience life to the fullest you can't just settle for what's easiest, you'll never learn new things or have new exciting experiences to brag about, safe is not exciting. This is something I've been trying to do a lot lately and I won't lie, it's scary. It's scary as hell, but where does living in fear get you? The answer is nowhere, you can miss out on so much that life has to offer just because you may be scared. I always hear people saying "I want to do this" and "I want to do that" but they never do out of the fear of being out of their little comfort safety net. Once you're out of it, it only gets easier and trust me it is so worth it.

Soap & Glory The Righteous Butter Review

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Actual beauty products are something I lack using, I own a lot and I love buying them, but when it comes to actually using them I just get way too lazy and never bother half the time. They end up sitting on my dresser collecting dust, which is why I've had a kick up the ass and decided to go through and use some of the products I own. I've had this Soap & Glory butter for literally ever, I don't know why I've never used it when I love the brand as a whole but it's been untouched for a long time. I've been using this butter for over a month now and I like to think I've trialled it enough to give you some of my thoughts and opinions on it, so enjoy.

Tips For A Better Nights Sleep

Monday, 3 April 2017

I've had such a busy week and a half, I've spent a lot of time with my boyfriend and I managed to score two trial days at an Insurance company who will hopefully get back to me and give me the job. Hopefully anyway. My 21st birthday is quickly looming and tomorrow I'll be a proper adult, I'm both excited and dreading it at the same time. Sleep is something I've never been good at, I love it a lot don't get me wrong but I find it so hard to actually be able to do. As soon as I lay down my brain just goes crazy and I can lay there for hours and not get a single second of it. I've always been looking out for tips on getting a better nights shut eye but not much ever seems to work, so the fact that I'm trying to sort my sleeping pattern out now isn't going as well as I'd hoped. When I do happen to actually sleep I still never get a good night. I suffer from sleep paralysis way too often and it causes the quality of the sleep I get to be plain out awful.

Getting Organised With Ella Iconic

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

If you've been a regular reader of my blog for a while then you will know my love for stationery. I'm like a One Direction fangirl but for notebooks and pens and all things organisation (is that weird? Hmm). I love everything that gives me the illusion I've got my life together, but I'm sure I'm not the only one. I make lists 24/7, I love writing things out and I'm a sucker for pretty books. I recently discovered a brand called Ella Iconic and they kindly sent me this CEO of my own life planner and boy this planner is HUGE but it's so cute it makes me melt, talk about aesthetically pleasing. The brand itself sell all kinds of stationery and I feel like I may have to go on a splurging spree on there soon since I love the look of everything so much.

Natural World Coconut Water Weightless Hair Oil Review*

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

My hair is something I've never really took much care of, I've never found it important. However in recent months I finally realised just how important it is to look after your hair the way you would any other part of your body and I feel like a new woman. Well, a new woman with the determination to sort the mess on top of her head out that is. I currently have split ends up to my ears, hair more dead than Dobby (Ouch.. sorry guys) and it just needs sorting out asap, so when Brodie and Stone offered to send me their coconut water hair care range I was over the moon. This review is solely based on the weightless hair oil, however I will be doing another review soon on the shampoo and conditioner when I've managed to trial them out enough to be able to talk about them. I've been super excited to use this and it's become a regular product in my routine, so I thought I'd share my thoughts with you guys.

Waking Up Fresh With T Plus Drinks*

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Green tea isn't something I ever used to like, I remember when I tried my first cup it actually made me feel kinda sick and I decided that I hated it. Well and truly hated it. However hearing about the health benefits made me force myself to drink it and after a while the unthinkable happened... I actually started to like it. Fast forward to a few years later I now drink a cup every morning when I wake up without fail just because, well, I need to. And I love it! I've noticed that a lot of my friends have had a similar reaction when it comes to green tea, it just takes quite a while to get used to I suppose, but when T Plus Drinks offered to send me a few samples of their teas I had to do a little happy dance at getting to try more types of green tea, I just can't live without it.

How To Grow Your Instagram

Saturday, 21 January 2017

I've shared a few blogging tips over here before when I did a post on increasing your blog page views and people seemed to love it. Whether your blog may just be a hobby to you or if you're trying to turn it into a business, we all want to grow but it's not just our actual blogs that involve all of the work, it's social media too. Instagram is one of the social media sites I get the most traffic from and I always get people asking me how they can grow their Instagram so I thought I'd share a few tips with you all on how you can do just that. Now I'm no Instagram expert by any means but I know a few little ways that have sure been helping my Instagram grow lately. Some of them may seem beyond obvious but they're so important if you want your Instagram to grow. So without further ado let's just jump into it before I have to say the word Instagram one more time..

Velvet Teddy Dupe?! | The January Lipstick Edit

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Now when I originally planned and photographed this post it was going to be about my 2 favourite lip products this month, however when swatching and photographing the 2 products I came to a very sudden realisation.. they're pretty much the same?! Oh the irony of my 2 favourite lipsticks being so similar it's crazy, and me never actually really noticing. Now the whole bloggersphere pretty much owns Mac Velvet Teddy, not only is it a gorgeous nude but it's also a staple makeup product for me and I literally take it everywhere, but are you ready to hear about the product that's so similar it scared me? I even included swatches (which I never do) for you all to see just how similar they really are.

Apparel Candy | Wholesale Brand

Friday, 13 January 2017

One thing I always say I'm going to talk about more on this blog but never do is fashion. It may not seem it but god do I really love clothes and jewellery and just, well.. fashion. Recently I came across a wholesale brand otherwise known as "Apparel Candy". They have everything from wholesale clothing, shoes and bags to cosmetics, reading glasses and fragrances. Basically anything you can think of, they probably have. So today I thought I'd go through their store and share with you some of my favourite things they have on there.

Tarte Tartelette in Bloom Palette Review

Thursday, 5 January 2017

When I said I wanted to do more beauty reviews I never realised that half of them I started doing would end up being on eyeshadow palettes, but what can I say, this girl loves her palettes. This Tarte one I received recently has moved it's way up to one of my favourites probably ever. This is the first time I've used any of their products and I have to say that I really am impressed, from the moment I even looked at it I fell in love! I'm looking on their website seeing what other beauties I can try and pick up, so if anyone has any recommendations for a Tarte newbie then be sure to let me know what you're loving from their site!